Road Of Happy Destiny

ROHD Crew AA Meeting Format

Please read through this page to familiarize yourself with any changes that may have been made since the last time you chaired. This format is from our latest Group Conscience.

Introduce Yourself

your first name
your problem
where you are from
your sober date

Welcome Statement

(read aloud)

This meeting is neither recorded or available on public media. Each participating member has the option to turn off their own video sharing. We value Anonymity.

ROHD Crew is a Big Book study group. We begin our study by looking up selected words in the dictionary to get a clear understanding of what the words actually mean. We start with an old dictionary and then a new dictionary to see how the language has changed over the years. Then we study the text by reading a passage containing those words and telling a story as an example of how we lived that paragraph.

In the interest of allowing all members an opportunity to share, we ask that members tell just one personal story about the paragraph being read. Be brief. This way we can go around the room 2 or 3 times. If you can't think of a story just pass. Its ok. You may have one for the next go-around. Tell about what you did. No need for what you think or how you felt. We focus on a spiritual program of action. Hearing many brief stories can provide a broader context of how we apply the directions and how we live this program.

Begin The Meeting

Let's have a moment of silence to reflect why we are here, followed by the Serenity Prayer.

[ pause ]

the group version of the serenity prayer:

God grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change.
Courage to change the things we can.
And Wisdom to know the difference.

or the original version:

Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other. -- Reinhold Niebuhr circa 1932


Ask someone to read the Anonymity Card.

Ask someone to read the Preamble.

Ask someone to read How It Works.

Ask someone to read the 12 Traditions.

Study Topics

Topics for discussion may be selected from our Big Book Study Topics list.
Post your selected Topic in the Chat window for everyone to see.
You may need to do this again as more people join the meeting later on.

Call on People

When you call on people the first time ask them to introduce themselves and tell everybody where they are from and length of sobriety. Not necessary the second or third time they talk. If they don't introduce themselves to begin with, ask them to do it after they finish sharing.

Try to pick boy-girl-boy-girl so there will be a variety of voices heard by all. This usually makes the meeting more interesting. Keep track of who has already talked. All AAs get a chance to talk. No one talks twice until all members have had their chance to talk once.


Before closing we go around the room one more time asking members for their takeaways from tonight's meeting. Each participant gets to share something specific that stood out to them from the readings and discussions.


Read A Vision For You starting with 'So our fellow worker...' at the bottom of page 163.

Ask someone to close the meeting with their choice of one of these prayers:

individual version of the serenity prayer:

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can.
And Wisdom to know the difference.

or the original version:

Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other. -- Reinhold Niebuhr circa 1932

Chat After

Ask everyone to unmute for the meeting after the meeting.

rev 2021.06.24 - updated 2021.06.25